Tuesday 22 April 2008

Living The Life Of Tudor...

During our school trip to the Weald and Downland Tudor museum we had a look around some Tudor houses. We then split into groups and completed activities. The first group made a traditional Tudor medicine whilst the second group took part in a Tudor cookery lesson. After lunch we swapped activities. We all had fun and learnt more information about Tudor life. (Written by year 3 pupil)

Castle Mania...

We (Year 5) have recently had a visit from a famous author - Colin Thompson. He came into school and told us how he came to be an author and how many books he has had published. His best tip was to take a normal scenario and then to make something out of the ordinary happen. Other schools from the local area also joined the afternoon at Fryern and we were all given the chance to have books signed by Mr Thompson at the end of the day. Our favourite book was "Castles". (Written by Year 5 pupil)

Up Up and Away....

The athletics club have been practicing different events for an indoor athletics competition at Toynbee School and found that hard work pays in the end. The team won many events including mixed relay and girls javelin. Well done to those involved and well done to all those who have attended athletics club this year.